Sustainable development

Discover how our travel agency contributes to sustainable development on a daily basis and generates positive impacts on social, economic, and environmental levels.

Our vision and our actions

The importance of implementing an eco-responsible policy is significant for Alta Voyages. It allows us to:

  • _ Improve our competitiveness while reducing our environmental footprint.
  • _ Communicate the importance of making a difference and positively influencing others.
  • _ Become an innovative leader in sustainable development within our community and industry.
  • _ Retain our current clientele and attract new opportunities in sustainable tourism.
  • _ Engage our current team and attract new employees.
  • _ Reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contribute to the fight against climate change.”

What we do

Reduction in paper usage     Local purchasing     National greening program     CSR policy    


Reduction in paper usage

Objective “Zero Paper”: With the addition of screens and scanners, we are reducing our daily paper usage. This initiative helps decrease our ecological footprint and streamline our administrative processes.

Local purchasing

Encouraging the purchase of products and services made in Quebec: Our choice of suppliers is crucial. We prioritize local purchasing from companies known for their quality and environmental commitment.

National greening program

Offsetting GHG emissions through tree planting: To compensate for greenhouse gas emissions, we are establishing a tree planting program on behalf of Alta Voyages and our clients, in collaboration with specialized partners.

CSR policy

Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR): We have implemented a CSR policy to reduce our ecological impact and promote sustainable practices in all our activities.

Protection and restoration of the St. Lawrence River

Groupe Tourcar is proud to participate in the protection, restoration, and enhancement of the St. Lawrence River, in partnership with one of its divisions. From August 9 to 24, 2024, we will support the diverse team of Expédition Saint-Laurent in their mission of raising awareness, cleaning, and restoring the shores of the St. Lawrence River.

We encourage our employees, clients, and the community to join us in these cleanup efforts and support this crucial cause for the environment.

Expédition Saint-Laurent
Expédition Saint-Laurent